
1. Organization, objects, members

1.1 Sustainable Bus Award (Sby) is a free and independent international organization formed by professional journalists. They form a jury which elects the annual Sustainable Bus URBAN; Sustainable Bus INTERCITY; Sustainable Bus COACH.

1.2 The organization is ruled under the name Sustainable Bus Award (Sby).

1.3 A jury member may engage one named colleague to help or support him/her in the jury work as a deputy, but only the formal jury member has the right to vote.

1.4 A deputy can represent the single jury member at single meetings, tests or other occasions.

1.5 The jury may appoint new members by voting. New candidates can be proposed by any juror.

1.6 New jury members are selected in countries not involved in the jury yet.

1.7 A jury member may be suspended for the following reasons: if he/she neglects his/her right to vote; if he/she whishes to be dismissed; if he/she breaks the rules, the guidelines or ethics of the Sby organization; if he/she spoils internal relevant news/information.

1.8 Sby organization shall be financially independent from any bus and coach manufacturer, dealer or distributor.

2. Eligibility of awards recipients

2.1 Candidate vehicles must be available in the European market within the election year (i.e. Sby 2024: vehicles must be available for the customers within December 2024).

2.2 Candidate vehicles cannot be awarded in a previous edition.

2.3 Each brand can candidate only one vehicle per category.

2.4 Candidate vehicle must be introduced to the jury by full filling the SBY technical form

2.5 Eligible vehicles must have a gross weight above 8 ton.

3. Award election procedure

3.1 The jury selects the shortlist for each category among the candidates.

3.2 The shortlists will include maximum 5 vehicles per category.

3.3 Shortlists are formally communicated within the end of July

3.4 The manufacturers of the shortlisted vehicles have the option to organize specific tests for the jury

3.5 Shortlisted vehicle are free to use the “Sby FINALIST” logo.

3.6 Voting must be done by filling the specific voting form based on the category voting parameters.

3.7 Within the end of August, the chairman collects the voting forms fully filled by the jurors.

3.8 The award will be handed to the winning vehicles during the awarding ceremony date on a major exhibition.

3.9 Winners of the awards are free to use the Sby WINNER logo

The organization kindly asks to try to limit any kind of embargo on the product news shared with jury for the Sustainable Bus Award purposes.

In case a brand is willing to organize tests or a dedicated event for the shortlisted vehicles, we suggest to focus the tests and presentation on the Sby voting parameters.

In case it will not be possible to organize a specific test or event, we suggest to contact the single juror through your local dealers, in order to give the opportunity to test the vehicle.

We recommend to give to each juror all the information about the candidate vehicle. Sby organization is glad to give all the support in order to share information with the jury.

During the tests or other events organized for the Sby jury, any extra activity is welcome, but does not effect on the final voting.